Your knowledge turned into company insights 🔥

Build strong company culture, workflows, and decision-making by creating reflective short videos for your team.

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You hire great people, empower them with real know-how

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Organized Accidental knowledge

When you were in the office, you could look over a shoulder and see someone's process but that is no longer an option. Now we are bringing that to you in a new package.

Insights from everyone

By reflecting and recording a video on your day-to-day activities and actions you allow the rest of the organization to pull from each other and find better ways to win.

Focus on your superpower

You are amazing... just not at everything. Give your expertise and vision where it counts and learn from others to help propel your rocketship to the moon!

More progress, less repeating

The days of showing ten different people how to update a contact in your CRM are over! Record one video and teach your team. As you iterate and grow so do we.

"Every repeat founder's best friend is a tool to help employees take action."

Sneak peek at what we are building.

You will be using this shortly!

The Founder + team

You need more time in the day to get everything done and lets multiply your time and decision making by giving your current or future employees a look into what makes you great!

Other Titles 🚀

Rockstar, Head honcho, Chief Inspiration Officer

The Forward Thinker

You have been at this for awhile and maybe it's time to pass the baton to someone else. Create a training guide for someone to come in and fill your shoes almost as well as you did!

Other titles 🦾

Workflow Guru, Dr. Fix, Chief Can-Do Office

The Scaler

You are growing like crazy but making sure everyone is keeping pace and well informed is a nightmare. Gain an inside look at your coworker workflows and outsource ideas to the team!

Other Titles 💸

Rainmaker, Dream Achiever, Rocketship Guide

3 types of people we serve

Unfortunately we cannot help everyone in the world but if you are in these three groups, come this way!

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It's Free 🔥

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